Remember when rice cereal was the “go to” thing as baby’s first food? It was bland and not too exciting so it was highly recommended as an easy start to baby’s journey to eating solid foods. Well, out with the old and in with the new! The food that is getting attention as baby’s first food is salmon roe! That’s right! Salmon caviar or basically fish eggs.
Upon first hearing about fish eggs being the new thing some nutritionist were suggesting to parents as baby’s first food, I was actually not too shocked. It kind of made sense to me almost immediately. The reason is that salmon is full of omega 3’s and DHA. DHA is a healthy fat that is supportive in brain development. A baby’s rapidly growing brain is 60% fat. Therefore, supporting the baby’s brain growth with a first food high in DHA was a great idea to me.
I am not a nutritionist or a doctor. I am a mom sharing my personal knowledge and experiences. Each baby is different, and parents should always take to their professional health provider when making these decisions. However, I think that salmon roe is the best first food for my 6 month old baby girl.
May I take a quick second to say how fast those 6 months went by? I can’t believe that she is growing up so quickly and eating solid foods. In the beginning, my babies barely eat a few spoonfuls. They are still trying to figure out why I’m not just offering breastmilk for the rest of their lives. So, do not count on babies switching quickly from milk to solid food. This is a slow weaning process. Enjoy it! Laugh at all the funny faces they make as they taste something new. Giggle at all the messes that they will inevitably make in their high chairs. I look at my oldest son who eats properly and cleans his own plate in awe. He was just 9 months old yesterday (in my mind). Those 7 years flew by.

Salmon roe is caviar (fish eggs). They are soft and squishy. More importantly, they have amazing healthy fats and all 9 essential amino acids. You need amino acids to build protein in the body. Growing babies need adequate amounts of all the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats). In my Youtube video below I cover the inner workings of digestion for baby’s, the dechoker safety device that I like to keep in my home to keep the kids safe, solid readiness, and more. Also, she my 6 month old daughter eat salmon roe for the very first time. In the second video, I explain how I prepare homemade baby food for my daughter’s first foods.