Home Motherhood Skinny Pregnancy Series: 1st Trimester

Skinny Pregnancy Series: 1st Trimester

by Brittany Kelly
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It’s game time! During my 2nd pregnancy, I made maintaining a healthy weight gain a big priority. I learned many lessons from my first pregnancy. I’m a very petite person (only 4’9 tall) so the extra 53 lbs I gained during my first pregnancy seriously impacted my body.

In my Youtube video, I discuss the first trimester of my “skinny pregnancy series”. I used the word “skinny” because I honestly felt fat-shamed after I delivered my first son. With a smile, people made comments about my weight that were hurtful, not helpful. However, these were the same people who encouraged me to eat “whatever I wanted to” when I was pregnant. They almost seemed happy that I was in a new body that I wasn’t comfortable with, yet. Well, I lost the baby weight by the time my son was 9 months old and started trying to conceive when he was about 12 or 13 months old.

In my “skinny pregnancy” diet, I tried to focus on eating nutritionally-dense food and cutting out foods that were empty in nutrition as well as inflammatory to my body during pregnancy (such as dairy, refined sugar, and gluten). On special occasions, I would indulge a little bit, but I really tried to stay focused on my goals. Also, I increased my activity by working out. I wasn’t very active pre-pregnancy (outside of chasing after my baby) so I chose workouts that were low impact for my pregnancy. Watch the entire video to learn about my pre-pregnancy weight and total weight gain by the end of my 1st trimester.

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